Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. — Proverbs 21:21
This was a rough week at work.
My coworker came to me this morning because he was being written up with a bad performance review and a performance improvement plan.
He's celebrating his 8th year with our company but has lost all confidence in his skills.
So we prayed for God's will to be done in his life and career.
That windows and doors would open for him as he seeks God's direction.
At the end of the day another employee came to me distraught because she had been told she wasn't meeting expectations.
She has only been with us 6 months, but hasn't had the guidance she could have used to gain confidence in her new role.
And it makes me sad to see a place where people once thrived turn into a place of discouragement and despair.
Help me, Lord, to pursue righteousness in you.
To support my coworkers through these tough times.
To love others.
To find my life, prosperity, and honor in you.