Saturday, August 10, 2019

An Ever-Present Help

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. — Psalm 46:1

Tonight we celebrate a friend's graduation from high school.

And we may get to hear his band play, too.

Kirk is busy working on his dad's estate, doing paperwork to distribute his IRA and his other accounts, plus get his house ready to sell.

Here is a photo of his back yard.

Fortunately, the person who came to stage the house asked for us to leave all of the furniture except three rockers.

So we only need to remove his clothes, shoes, linens, and personal items.

That will make the whole process much easier and hopefully much faster.

We are enjoying his TV, since ours took about 30 minutes to warm up and would turn off and on while going through that process.

We are blessed. God has been our refuge and strength through all of the frustrations and delays.

We are getting through my cancer, dad's death, and the slow process of taking care of his estate.

God is our ever-present help in trouble.

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