Thursday, August 29, 2019

God Is the One I Praise

Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. — Jeremiah 17:14

Today I had x-rays for my radiation, which will start tomorrow.

I will go every afternoon for 20 days or four weeks.

The final week is a boost, just to make sure the cancer does not come back.

Fortunately, UCSD Moores Cancer Center, where I have my treatment, is right around the corner from my work.

So on days when I feel worn out, I'll just go home after the treatment.

Here's the beautiful card and notepaper I received from our friend Mary today.

The notepaper is actually embroidered pink flowers with stamped or drawn green leaves.

Mary's aunt made the notepaper, and it's gorgeous! 

Mary estimates it's 80-plus years old. I am blessed.

She and Gary have been upholding me in prayer ever since my diagnosis in January.

Little did she know that I've been reading the book of Jeremiah these past few days.

Perfect timing.

God has heard the prayers and is healing me from the cancer.

God has saved me; he is the one I praise.

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