Monday, August 12, 2019

I Find Delight

Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. — Psalm 119:34-35

Kirk had a great day of golf last week at Torrey Pines with some buddies.

What a view!

He got a birdie on this hole with an amazing swing, getting the ball right on the green, about 5 feet away from the hole.

Then he had another fun early morning with some other friends later in the week at a different course.

He's back in the classroom on Wednesday, and will miss his days of golf.

Hopefully he can get back to into it on his breaks.

He has been so supportive of me during this year of appointments, surgery, weariness, and treatments. 

He has also helped me to stay in God's Word and to find delight in God's plans for our family.

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