Saturday, August 17, 2019

Boast in the Lord

Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord. II Corinthians 10:17

Today our neighbor informed us that she will be honored this week with a lifetime achievement award for her work in mental health ministries.

We are so proud of Susan!

She will be traveling to San Antonio to share her story with 1500 professionals at the 4th Annual Pathways to Hope Conference.

She is nervous about speaking to such a large crowd. Usually her audience is closer to 500.

But she will do a great job.

Her ministry of Mental Health Ministries has a mission to educate clergy and lay persons for the purpose of decreasing the stigma associated with mental illnesses in our faith communities. 

Creating Caring Congregations, the DVD Susan has created, has been awarded in the 24th Annual Telly Awards for its high standard of excellence in the Religious program category.

The Telly Awards annually showcases the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators and corporate video departments in the world.

Congratulations, Susan!

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