Tuesday, August 27, 2019

God's Perfect Peace

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. — Isaiah 26:3

This week quite a few people have asked how I'm doing, and the answer is, Great!

I go in for my radiation set-up appointment tomorrow.

I still have a Herceptin IV every three weeks, but my chemo is done.

My taste is completely back, and my energy is much stronger than just 6 weeks ago.

God has blessed me with coworkers and bosses who let me work at home once a week to help conserve my energy.

He has strengthened me and comforted me throughout this process.

None of this is my own doing. I am not a "strong woman," as some people have commented.

But I do have a strong Savior who watches over me and loves me.

He has kept me at perfect peace; I trust in Him.

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