Tuesday, August 20, 2019

God Surrounds Me with His Love

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore. — Psalm 125:2

God surrounds me with his love.

Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so God surrounds me now and forever.

Even when I don't feel him or acknowledge him, God is with me.

Last week I got my mini tattoos so they can line me up precisely for my radiation treatment.

On the morning of August 28 I go in for my first visit and the radiation itself begins on the afternoon of August 29. I will find out the time on the 28th.

Monday my brother Steve began his new job with Cubic.

Sunday he joined us for worship.

What a blessing to praise God together as a family with Kirk, Abby, and Steve.

Thanking God for his ability to surround each of us with his unfailing love.

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