Thursday, August 22, 2019

His Song Is With Me

By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life. — Psalm 42:8

Today I have another Herceptin IV, but no more chemo.

Last time this IV only took an hour total, so I got to work by 10:00.

We'll see if that happens again today.

I got a new note from my radiation doctor to allow me to work part-time, if necessary, through November 7 (my birthday)!

I have been working full time since the week after my surgery, so I don't think I'll need to move to part-time, but I'm taking each week one at a time.

A week from today I'll have my first radiation appointment.

I don't think they actually start the treatment until the day after, but I'll find out.

God directs his love to me. At night his song is with me.

My life is a prayer to my God, the God of my life.

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