Saturday, September 28, 2019

Flowers from Friends

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. — Song of Songs 2:12

Here are the beautiful flowers I received from my friend to celebrate the end of my radiation treatments.

Sunflowers opening toward the sun, roses, eucalyptus, and more.

The bouquet is looking very festive as I'm taking a day off from work on Friday.

Thursday night another friend shared about a friend of hers who is now starting her chemo treatment as her cancer has returned.

I was sharing some of the wonderful resources I was told about when I started my treatments:
  • A Livestrong exercise program at the Y for cancer survivors where families can attend for a year free
  • Housecleaning services (2 provided free) while you're undergoing treatment
  • Free webinar to show you how to tie headscarves
  • Free Look Good Feel Better webinar with makeup tips for when you begin losing eyebrows
  • Free and reduced wigs for patients with hair loss
  • Hats and hairpieces designed for cancer patients from and
  • Exercise, mindfulness and nutrition classes through UCSD and Kaiser
  • Support groups for patients and families
 It's amazing all of the resources and support available.

God provides for us during our storms and valleys.

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