Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Lord Is Full of Mercy

The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. — James 5:11

Today one of the radiation machines was down, so they were running late when I arrived for my appointment.

This was the first time they were late by even a minute.

Fortunately, I brought a good book.

My friend Lisa recommended the book, 'The Mission, the Men and Me," and it's very interesting.

It's also an easy read and gives practical advice for life and work.

The author is a former Delta Force commander.

One of his life lessons is "Always Listen to the Guy on the Ground."

In my own work experience, I have often found that upper-level managers are too far removed from the people on the ground to make educated decisions. 

They at times try to come up with solutions without consulting the people who actually have the answers or know where to find them.

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