Wednesday, September 11, 2019

I Lift My Eyes to the Mountains

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. — Psalm 121:1-2

Today is 911, also known as Patriot Day, in memory of the people killed in the attacks on Setpember 11, 2001.

We were just getting ready to take Abby to kindergarten when Kirk's mom called to tell us to turn on the TV.

Kirk's brother Kyle was working at the Pentagon that day.

Fortunately, he was on the other side of the building so he was not harmed.

Unfortunately, some of his coworkers did not make it.

We are thankful for the people who gave their lives that day to save others.

Our hearts go out to those who lost family members and friends.

I lift my eyes up to the mountains, knowing that my help comes from the Lord.

Today was my 8th day of radiation; just 12 more to go!

While I was waiting for my turn this afternoon, a lady came out who was finished with all of her treatments.

The nursing staff came out, read the words on the plaque congratulating her, had her ring the bell, and we burst into applause. It was very moving.

I am thankful that God created us and that he made heaven and earth.

I thank Him each day for this beautiful earth on which we live.

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