Friday, September 20, 2019

Rejoice in the Lord; He Is Faithful

Rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. — Joel 2:23

God sends us showers and showers us with blessings.

He sends autumn and spring rains.

Monday is the fall equinox, when the day and night will be almost equal.

I have just 5 radiation treatments left, and today had both a flu and a tetanus shot. Both in the same arm!

My arm doesn't feel too bad tonight, but I'm sure it will be sore tomorrow.

Friday I begin my boost treatment, where they will concentrate the radiation on just the surgery area.

I will start the day with my Bible study group, and we will pray for our friend who is going through a difficult trial.

But God has covered her with his love and strength. He has supported her with people who are helping her get through this tough time.

Best of all, He has surrounded her with friends and family praying her through this.

As a result, He has given her a deep peace that no matter the outcome, she knows she is covered in God's love and care.

Rejoice in the Lord your God; he is faithful!

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