By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me — a prayer to the God of my life. — Psalm 42:8
Today we worshiped God and sang His praises.
Our guest pastor was from Egypt and gave a wonderful sermon about relying on God and trusting Jesus.
He explained the stories of the man possessed by legions, the woman who was sick for 12 years and was healed after touching Jesus' robe and Jairus' daughter who died after 12 years and was brought to life again.
Pastor Isaac William was an inspiration to help us understand that we too, should reach out to the isolated and hurting people around us just as Jesus did.
Our director of Ladle Fellowship also spoke about how Ladle has served the downtown community for 40 years now.
Last week a man appeared at our church who had received a cup of coffee from that new ministry back in 1983.
He had returned to thank us and bring us a can of coffee.
God is at work - He directs His love by day.
And at night His song is with me.
A prayer to the God of my life.