Thursday, March 28, 2019

Surrounded by God's Love

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore. — Psalm 125:2

I am surrounded by family and friends who shower me and my family with God's love.

Thanks to each of you who have offered to help us out with food, transportation, prayer, and love.

On Tuesday I attended a class to prepare for all of the possible side effects and some resources for coping. 

The nurse explained that they can manage the nausea pretty well now with all of the meds. The biggest complaint they get now from cancer patients is fatigue. My friend Ann in Virginia said the fatigue didn’t really hit her until the radiation. But everyone’s different, so we’ll see.

Yesterday I had my MUGA heart scan and bloodwork to get a baseline before starting chemo on Friday. For the first video scan I had to lie still for 15 minutes, which gave me a chance to sing silently inside my head and pray. 

The second one was 10 minutes and the final one was about 8 minutes. I even had a warm blanket to keep me from getting cold.

Abby and I went for a walk this afternoon, and I’ll be going to book club tomorrow night before my chemo. 

God is good, and we are overwhelmed with wonderful friends like you. I have felt God surrounding me through this entire process.

We are blessed. The Lord surrounds us, his people, both now and forevermore!

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