Monday, March 4, 2019

Trusting in the Lord

Surely the righteous will never be shaken. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD. — Psalm 112:7
Mission Beach San Diego
I've been totally surprised that I haven't been worried or anxious about the possibility of bad news coming with the pathology report. 

Instead, I have felt a deep sense of peace and well-being.

This seems completely irrational. I'm a planner. 

I like knowing what's going on weeks before it actually happens. I don't care much for the unknown. 

So I can't explain why I'm not up at night worrying about the future. Just like the calm water at Mission Bay, my life has a sense of calm right now, too.

Thanks to my friend Sheri for sending me the Bible verse. A perfect expression of my feelings of trusting in God to carry me through, whatever comes my way.

Never shaken, no fear of bad news, trusting.

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