Monday, March 18, 2019

Let Your Light Shine

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. — Matthew 5:16

Our friend Ernie took this photo of the poppy fields in Walker Canyon on Saturday. Gorgeous!

We were sorry to miss it, but the pictures are amazing.

While driving home yesterday, Kirk noticed that the entire landscape of Mission Trails is now covered with poppies. 

We weren't sure how we missed that earlier, except that they wait to open until the sun comes out.

All of the rain we've had has encouraged the flowers to fill the mountainsides, and the color is dazzling when they open in the sunlight.

Just as the poppies create a shimmering effect on the mountains and canyons, God uses my life to reflect himself. 

I usually don't do a very good job at that. Even so, God helps me shine for him in my actions and words toward others.

Lord, today use me to glorify you so that those I meet today will see your love shine and so you will be glorified. Amen.

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