Friday, March 29, 2019

I'm a Survivor

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. — Psalm 125:1

Yesterday one of Kirk's teacher friends gave me a Survivor necklace that a friend had given her when she went through chemo for cancer. I love it. Thanks to Kathy for her thoughtfulness!

On the back of the necklace is a collage of words:
The world is round and the places
which may seem like the end

may only be just the beginning.
Those of us who trust in the Lord are survivors. We are not shaken but endure even the hard trials knowing that God is with us to guide us each step of the way.

It reminds me of the song I'm a Survivor.

Today I will have my first chemo at 11:00. It will last about six hours so the nurses can make sure I'm not having adverse reactions to the meds.

Kirk, Abby and I will go to breakfast together in the morning so I have food in my stomach. Then they will alternate sitting with me and later will go to lunch together at our local restaurant, Troys. After they eat, they will bring lunch for me, too. 

Liz and Peggy have offered to come sit with me too, during treatments. How wonderful to be surrounded by my family and wonderful friends.

Gratefully trusting in the Lord!

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