Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tasty Pies

You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.
— Psalm 59:17

Sunday afternoon before our girls' Bible study, we made mini pies in Mason jar lids — gluten free crusts from scratch and regular crusts using refrigerator pie dough.

Cherry seemed to be the fruit of choice among the middle schoolers, although personally, I'm partial to blueberry as well.

Sheri prepared an excellent Bible study about how at certain times of our lives God calls us to wait.

God told Abraham that he would have a son. But Abraham had to wait 25 years for Isaac to be born!

And then God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, and Abraham obeyed.

So waiting a few days for the pathology report doesn't seem like quite such a long time.

Since God is my strength, I am not anxious, even when I have to wait for answers.

I'm not sure how quickly I would move to obey God if He were to ask me to make such a significant sacrifice as He asked of Abraham. But I will continue to sing praise to God for His goodness and love.

I know I can rely on Him in every situation. He is my strength!

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