Sunday, March 24, 2019

Los Peñasquitos Canyon Hike

He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. — Psalm 121:3-4

Los Peñasquitos Canyon
Yesterday some friends and I headed out to Los Peñasquitos Canyon for a beautiful morning hike. 

The bridge was out so we were not able to cross the river, but with all of the rain we've had recently, the grass and plants were growing tall and green. And the water was higher than it had been in a while.

The day started out chilly and cold, but warmed up as the sun came out and we started moving. 

One friend who joined us had had a lumpectomy last summer followed by radiation and is doing well. Her cancer is gone for now, and we are rejoicing.

Another friend's mom has been diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma and is undergoing chemo now. She will have her second treatment this week while I have mine. As we walked we talked about how it's especially hard because she lives halfway across the country and has been having a rough time of it with lots of nausea and fatigue. 

There's really nothing her daughter could do if she were there, but it's hard to be so far away and watch your mom suffer. It's hard to be close by and watch your mom or mother-in-law suffer, too.

God is watching over each of us, and He will not let us slip out of His reach.

He will neither slumber or sleep. When we turn to Him, He is ready and able to respond. What a comfort!


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