Sunday, March 31, 2019

I Thank God for You

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. — Romans 1:8

Saturday I gave myself a Zarxio shot. I was hoping that it would be as easy it it sounded when the nurse explained it on Friday. 

I will do this every other day for 5 days. Kirk has offered to be my backup if I need help.

Abby and I went shopping Saturday, hitting some sales and grabbing a yogurt, sitting in the sun.

Then we picked up Kirk and tried a new Barbecue place, Pioneer. It was delicious. Fortunately we went early so we had no problem getting a table. 

I tried the grilled cheese with smoked ham, Abby had pulled pork with a side of bacon mac 'n cheese, and Kirk had brisket and sausage with a side of potato salad. 

We also had some delicious home-made pickles.

The place was filling up quickly with several tables left at 6:00, but more and more people walking in. Very fun time.

I thank God for wonderful family members and friends who are giving their support and sharing their faith with us.

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