Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Wonderful Neighbors

I lift up my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven. — Psalm 123:1

This beautiful flower arrangement was sent to us by our wonderful next-door neighbors, Ralph and Wanda, when they heard about my surgery and cancer diagnosis.

They were the original owners of their house, and they have been a blessing for us to get to know over the years. They introduced themselves to us as soon as we moved in and then invited us to one of their parties, making us feel especially welcome.

They helped us repair our shared fence and shared their fruits, vegetables, wine, and jams with us. They also shared lots of laughter.

When Abby was young and dressed up for Halloween, they would have a special treat ready for her. They remembered her birthday, graduation, and other special occasions. They were always there to lend a hand and to pray for us when they heard about my diagnosis.

Now they are beginning to plan a move closer to their children in Temecula, and we will miss them terribly.

God has blessed us with wonderful neighbors. We lift our eyes up to the Lord and ask Him to guide them to their new home, just not too quickly.

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