Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Pathology Report Praise

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. — Psalm 146:1-2

Card of Encouragement
Today the surgeon called with my pathology report. My cancer is infiltrating (invasive) ductal carcinoma, and the margins are clear. This is the most common type of breast cancer. I am thanking God for this news that they appear to have removed it all.
They also removed 3 lymph nodes and found a small spot of cancer in one of them. I'm thankful that they removed the one with the cancer! 
So they will direct the radiation to that lymph node area as well. That will start after I'm completely healed from the surgery, about a month from now and may last 5-7 weeks. 
The surgeon does not need to remove any more lymph nodes, which is also wonderful.

He thinks I may need chemo later, just to make sure that all of the cancer is removed.
The oncologist will call me to go over next steps, and I'll meet with the surgeon next week to confirm that I'm healing well.
I'll also be heading in to work tomorrow and Friday. That will feel good after working at home this week.
This is the card I received yesterday from our good friend Edna who has been praying along with everyone else. She doesn't have a computer, so I'll be calling her with these results.

I am blessed and overwhelmed with all of the prayers and support.
Praise the Lord!

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